Do you lead from the head or the heart?

Imagine you're leading a team. You're strategising like a chess grandmaster, crunching numbers, and crafting plans with your analytical mind – that's the head part. But there's another side to the story: you're also listening, empathising, and understanding the emotions of your team members – that's the heart.

Well, that's where the buddy program comes in, making the workplace feel like a friendly oasis from day one.

Why lead with both?

Leadership isn't just about being the boss and giving orders. It's about stirring up change, inspiring growth, and leaving an indelible mark. Here's why combining both your rational thinking (the "Head") and your emotional intelligence (the "Heart") can create a powerful approach to leadership:

1.     The “Smart” and the “Feel” of It: When you lead with your head, your decisions are based on facts, data, and well-thought-out plans. However, humans aren't robots; they're driven by emotions. By leading with your heart, you're connecting on an emotional level, showing empathy, and building a human-to-human bond.

2.     Connecting, Not Just Directing: Think of yourself as the conductor of an orchestra. Your head is directing the rhythm, ensuring everything stays on track. Meanwhile, your heart is the soul of the performance, infusing passion, and purpose into every note. Together, they create a symphony of influence that resonates with your team, driving them to achieve greater heights.

3.     Navigating Stormy Waters: Let's face it – leadership isn't all rainbows and butterflies. There are storms to weather, challenges to overcome, and changes to navigate. When you lead with both head and heart, you're rational enough to make tough decisions, yet empathetic enough to understand the fears and concerns of your team as they sail through the storm.

How to blend the yin and yang of leadership

Ready to be the head and heart-based leader your team deserves? Here's how:

  • Understand your own emotions and triggers. This self-awareness can better manage your emotions and respond effectively to your team.

  • Put on your detective hat and listen actively. Your team members are always dropping hints about their thoughts and feelings. Pay attention, show genuine interest, and create a safe space for them to share.

  • Break down the walls between you and your team with transparent communication. Explain the "why" behind your decisions – it shows you value their input and trust them to understand the bigger picture.

  • Lead by Example. Remember that old saying about practising what you preach? Well, it's true! Your team will follow your lead, so showcase the balance of head and heart-based leadership in action.


Leadership is all about finding that sweet spot where head and heart come together - the best of both worlds!

Let your perspective shine, embrace your limits, challenge assumptions, and create a vibrant mix of ideas. That's the recipe for being the modern leader everyone looks up to!

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